Vine Moon, Day 12
It's been a warm day, and it seems that the teaching for me today is about how people who may seem so different can have deep friendships, laughter, love, in spite of those differences. The differences are far outweighed by the similarities, by our need for comradarie, our need to know that somewhere, out there there are people just like ourselves, who though they may speak a different language, dress differently, appear on the outside differently, are seeking inspiration and conspiration (breathing together), wanting to take in the more positive lessons of life that are sometimes learned when you're sitting in a smokey pub, laughing, singing, comisserating.
Or talking on the phone and hearing about the "boring" details of another person's day, only it isn't boring at all, because life and the little things of life that can so easily be passed by are full of those small intriguing occurances that make up the spice and seasoning to the larger stuff and make for a delicious repast for the soul.
Or talking on the phone and hearing about the "boring" details of another person's day, only it isn't boring at all, because life and the little things of life that can so easily be passed by are full of those small intriguing occurances that make up the spice and seasoning to the larger stuff and make for a delicious repast for the soul.
Misery may love company, but Joy is the life of the party.
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