Thursday, September 30, 2004

Vine Moon, Day 16

Where are the "little people" when you need them?
Actually they're all around us doing what they've been doing for as long as time has been time.
I have had encounters with them.
Not by sight but by a definite "vibe".
The tomatoes on our garden have had a most abundantly loving Deva to care for them, and this season, I think that that cucumber Deva joined in the fun.
Growing things are such an evidence of these mostly unknown beings, these nature beings who care for all things that live.
Sometimes they're called Midwayers, sometimes other more traditional names, but they toil on in spite of the real damage being done by people who have no respect for this beautiful planet that was gifted to us from God/Goddess/Source.
Lesson for the day: Pray, Meditate, BE in that space inside yourself that allows you to see, and to do less damage, to help heal, to be a light and a lifting positive force for Good; and the Devas will be encouraged by this.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Autumn Full Moon, day 14

Always we hope
someone else has the answer.
Some other place will be better,
some other time
it will all turn out.

This is it.
No one else has the answer.
No other place will be better,
and it has already turned out.

At the center of your being you have the answer;
you know who you are and you know what you want.

There is no need
to run outside
for better seeing.

Nor to peer from a window.

Rather abide at
the center of your being;
for the more you leave it
the less you learn.

Search your heart
and see
the way to do
is to be.

--Lao Tzu

World Spiritual Quotes

That sums it up...we're always looking for someone or something else to solve our problems or make us feel better. Since there is Someone living in each and every one of us, I think that God is the great exception to this rule since God is living in our hearts, at our center of being.
I have never been disappointed when I have prayed or turned to God within my heart.
He/She/It has never let me down, but maybe sometimes the answer I got was: No, Not Now, Soon...
and I persevere, but I have always always gotten answers to my prayers, and I am greatful.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Vine Moon, Day 12

It's been a warm day, and it seems that the teaching for me today is about how people who may seem so different can have deep friendships, laughter, love, in spite of those differences. The differences are far outweighed by the similarities, by our need for comradarie, our need to know that somewhere, out there there are people just like ourselves, who though they may speak a different language, dress differently, appear on the outside differently, are seeking inspiration and conspiration (breathing together), wanting to take in the more positive lessons of life that are sometimes learned when you're sitting in a smokey pub, laughing, singing, comisserating.
Or talking on the phone and hearing about the "boring" details of another person's day, only it isn't boring at all, because life and the little things of life that can so easily be passed by are full of those small intriguing occurances that make up the spice and seasoning to the larger stuff and make for a delicious repast for the soul.
Misery may love company, but Joy is the life of the party.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Vine Moon, day 11

I woke up to go on my daily walk, haven't been walking as much as I would like since the weather's been too hot; But when I arrived at the trail there were workers there spraying a hive of yellowjackets. Didn't think it would be a good idea to walk among angry hornets, so I went for a short drive instead and bought myself some breakfast. I am taking to heart the need for a more regular meditation practice. I want to be more in touch with the real world that surrounds the mundane world of created reality, the world that reminds me it's there when I feel it breathing in sky and trees and the birds. Connectedness brings stability and strength to endure the surface world of the pseudo culture. The more I am connected to the Real, the more I can find that place inside myself that enables me to release rancor and embrace the people around me in all their glorious imperfect humanity and the constant reminder that though we seem to be on separate journeys, it's all the same really, we're all in this together.